My name is Francisco Tamay and I am a UX and graphic designer based in New York City. Having worked on creating and building online experiences, I understand how much goes into making a good product. While working on the Adonis Auto Detailing website, my main goal was to dive deep into both showcasing my skills and learning new ones. My passion has always been in learning and growing as an individual, something that UX allows me to do. From SEO to HTML, I have been able to push my boundaries as a self taught front-end developer and my knowledge in how people interact with different devices.

Currently, I am looking for new opportunities to further expand my knowledge in the world of UX. I would love to continue working on UX, web development, and most importantly to work with a diverse group of people. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or inquiries.

wide shot of nyc with Francisco in the middle

Contact Me

Email: tamayfrancisco95@gmail.com

tel: 347-755-6286

